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Tips for Preventing Burnout

Written by Vanessa Mitchell | Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Burnout is an exceedingly common problem plaguing our world today. The work/life balance has been blended together ever since remote work became more prevalent. Burnout is often more severe than everyday fatigue and could make you feel pessimistic and hopeless. Illness, exhaustion, and irritability are a few of the warning signs that you might just be facing mental burnout.

Here at Choice, we have a passion for superior service, and accurate background checks. With such high standards of excellence, our team utilizes the following tips to prevent burnout.

  • Set boundaries: monitor your workload, ask for help, and learn to say no.
  • Prioritize tasks: if it only takes a minute, do it! prioritize tasks based on deadlines with the help of your supervisor.
  • Delegate responsibilities: although difficult, asking for help and actually taking it will ease your burdens.
  • Maintain a work-life balance: our rule of thumb is to log off on the weekends, and avoid checking email on vacations if at all possible.
  • Get restful sleep every day: sufficient rest and sleep will help to reduce stress levels.
  • Exercise in the sunshine: nothing like a quick emotional boost to get you back on track.
  • Do what makes you happy: find activities that make you happy and help you unplug!


We hope you find these tips helpful and encouraging. Consult with one of our expert account advisors to see if we can help alleviate some of your workload with a streamlined hiring and background check process.