Blog | Choice Screening | Background Screening

How to Get Better, Faster Background Check Results!

Written by Celeste Ricco | Tuesday, 7 June 2016

This job market is crazy competitive! The best, most qualified applicants are easy to lose if you can’t get your background check results back fast enough to make an informed hiring decision.

Fortunately, it’s not all out of your control. There are steps every employer can take to get better background check results and impact how fast the results come back!


Here’s a quick checklist of what you can do to get better, faster background check results:
  1. Provide a full legal name for your applicant including the middle name.
  2. Make sure you include a full current address.
  3. Verify you entered the correct date of birth and SSN.
  4. Upload the Consent Form for your applicant.
  5. Provide as much information as you can for verifications and references: direct phone numbers, contact names, relevant dates, additional notes if applicable.
  6. Double check license verifications have the correct license number – drivers licenses and professional licenses.
  7. Order Criminal Record searches that will provide the right scope and level of detail for your needs.
  8. Lastly, review your services before submitting to make sure you’ve ordered everything you want, exactly as you want it – no typos!


RELATED POST: How Long Does a Background Check Take?


If you haven’t guess it, what information you provide in terms of thoroughness and accuracy will have a great impact on the results of your background report, including the speed! The more details we have about your applicant, the faster we can eliminate information that doesn’t belong to them and hone in on what does!

For more information, check out the blog links in this article and Follow Us for more awesome background check articles!


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