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The Employer’s Choice: Screening Your Employees Online

Written by Celeste Ricco | Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Employers have a choice of who to hire and who not to hire. They also have a choice in how their background checks are run.

Employer’s Choice: Online employee screening

Online employee screening has become increasingly popular due to improved user experiences and the ability to communicate immediately. Employers will also find that applications, like that of Choice Screening, help aid in compliance efforts of the employer.

What should you know for Background Screening Online?

The use of online applications has become an expectation for employers when running a background check. But, not all are created equal.

Here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Security: Does the application adhere to background screening industry standards for security? Does the application meet your own industry’s standards, such as requirements for banking or medical?
  2. Usability: Does the application make sense when you see it on your demo? Can you envision how it could work for your team? How will you receive updates on your order?
  3. Support: Is the application supported in house, externally or abroad? How could this impact your day-to-day experience, special requests and security?
  4. Flexibility: What changes can be made within the application’s constraints that will make it easier to use for your team? How often is the application upgraded and what changes could you expect in the future?

Online Background Screening Compliance Support

Employers can choose the level of  support they receive right down to the company they work with. For example, in addition to offering the right services and helping you understand what it means to be compliant with the FCRA, you can find FCRA-compliant online consent form and Adverse Action Letters at Choice Screening. Not every company offers this!

Use of these tools online helps your team:

Save Time

The consent form pre-populates when the order is placed and Adverse Action automatically pulls FCRA required components

Maintain Consistency

Both are maintained in the same application for easy access and monitoring

Reduce Administrative Burden

Both our consent form and adverse action letters are maintained and updated by our Compliance Manager, leaving your team to focus on local and state changes 

It’s time for the Employer’s Choice: Online Background Check!

Options are seemingly endless when you have to pick a background screening company, let alone using them to make a hiring decision. How well you make the former can directly impact your ability to make the latter.

The variability between companies can make your hiring decisions easier, faster and with more useful information… or unnecessarily challenging to manage. Tools like online consent forms and adverse action letters are enhanced by adequate data security, usability, support and flexibility.

When you select a company for screening your employees online, a clear understanding of your needs and expectations will help facilitate a more productive conversation with your prospective partner.


Do you have questions about picking a successful online employment background check?